A Fictional Genetic Thriller
Debut Novel By Joy Ashe

August 2, 2013 LJT Gene Defense hits you with a one-two punch. Both a suspenseful mystery and a bracing lesson in the insidious growth of government overreach, this is one good read. Paeton Weaver is a Boston attorney whose sister, Casey, is accused of murdering her husband. Because Casey carries the "killer" gene, time is of the essence. Her trial date and defense plea could depend on the regulatory guidelines of The Genetic Tome, a massive Federal file of all citizens' DNA, which are soon to become the law of the land.

 Paeton reunites with her brainiac cousin, Barry, who lives in a secure and tricked-out cabin in the backwoods of Virginia. Twenty-odd years ago the Feds took note of Barry's teenaged talent for all things techy and secretive. In due course, Barry becomes privy to enough government secrets to make Eric Snowdon swoon. Through Barry, Paeton learns that the government has established a system to weed out those citizens with negative genetic traits.
Sound like the building of a master race? It is, but not for the same twisted reasons as Hitler's nationalism, but to manage health care rationing. Twisted, indeed.
Ashe offers up a plethora of background on economic policy, scientific research, and American political and social history in her cautionary tale.
I often found myself reading ahead to ease the suspense and then circling back for my dose of well-sited academics and analysis.
Bravo, Joy! Thanks for a great read!


 Jennifer Brown- My nerves are still on end. Great Book. April 10, 2011. "This book was stunning, way disturbing, and a forewarning of what can happen when citizens are calloous in voting for their elected officials. Paeton Weaver, Boston attorney- the protagonist- gets involved in a dark political scenario while dealing with the death of her brother-in-law. Suicide? Murder? That's the mystery."

GeneaologyHistBuff09, McLean VA, April 8, 2011- "Scary. Kept me reading. Made me think. Not bad novel."..."I liked the plot, the female main character and conclusion. There's a hint about a sequel. I have some questions about a couple of the characters. I want to find out what happens to them."

Kathryn Diamond, Richmond, VA, April 6, 2011 "Highly recommended; thoughtful & entertaining. Worthy of consideration." "Thought-provoking, well-researched, timely. I came across this novel while staying with a friend. I started reading it and found it very difficult to put down....I look forward to more books from this author."

New England Crime Bake November 8-10 2012
KeyNote Speaker: Joseph Finder
Another super conference! Thanks for your participation, Joy!

MARCH 24, 2012
Virginians love "Gene Defense"

Haverhill Public Library's festive
Meet the Author event:
Saturday, December 3, 2011, 2:00pm-4:00pm
Haverhill, MA
Joy was a member of this terrific panel of local MA authors.

Joy joined the Bellingham Public Library November 7, 2011 at 7:00 pm for a book signing.

On November 10, 2011, Joy participated in a local New England Author's Panel at Langley-Adams Public Library in Groveland, MA at 7:00 pm.

New England Crime Bake, Dedham, MA with Special Guest, Best-selling Author- Barry Eisler- was amazing!
Did you miss Joy's interview with BOSTON, MA WBZ AM 1030 RADIO TALK SHOW HOST, JORDAN RICH, on Saturday, February 26, 2011?
Please scroll down below the calendar and click on the musical note for download. The audio is 12:44 minutes. Thanks for listening! Jordan is such a generous interviewer. Thanks, Jordan!

(The Jordan Rich Program is syndicated through the CBS National Affiliate Network).

AMAZON 2011 Reviews

"Gene Defense is Brilliant!"
"Worthy read. WARNING: Theme will haunt you!" Kelly Anderson Wright, Writer, Editor, Commentator: Reno Conservative Examiner and American Thinker
"Outstanding! Timely- No doubt a movie is in the works. Or should be!"
"Highly recommended; thoughtful & entertaining."
"Worthy of consideration."
"My nerves are still on end. Great Book!"
"Genes, Genealogy, DNA, Thrillers, Suspense."
"Provocative. Highly recommended. Timely. Glad I read it."

"Genetic codes rule in Marblehead author's fictional thriller" by Charlene Peters/Wicked Local Marblehead/Marblehead Reporter/GateHouse Media.
"Boston in 2013 will be significantly different than today...Although a work of fiction, this tale of health-care provisions and criminal genetic codes is based on many realities-with links provided as proof. With political powers out of control and a lovable and well-trained dog, Siggie, who is able to flip off a light switch and shut off an alarm clock, this story will keep you engrossed as you follow along in the adventures of Boston attorney Paeton Weaver, who from the start of protecting her sister, Casey, reconnects with her past. Her path leads her to find her cousin Barry, unclaimed family documents- and ends in political entanglement....Sounds like a thriller film in the making..."



"Highly recommended."
"Great read! I can't wait to read other books by this author."
"Recommended reading. Liked the plot."
"What's the deal with DNA? Wanna know? Read this book."
Living with Criminal Genes
New genetic political thriller takes readers to 2013, when genetics becomes the basis for trust in the society.

Marblehead, MA
(Autographed and Discounted through the Author)


Fans of mystery, suspense, and thriller novels are in for a treat as author Joy Ashe combines all three genres into one exhilarating release. Her newly published book through XLibris, Gene Defense, takes on the perfect collision of events that tears the belief that people, when challenged, are good-hearted souls.

Gene Defense: A Fictional Genetic Thriller sweeps readers forward to the year 2013, a time when the whole American way of life--from health care provisions, the justice system, medical outcomes, jobs, friends, family, and water and food supply to one's very own fate--depends upon one's DNA and no one can hide from his or her genetic history. Here, Boston attorney Paeton Weaver examines the social, psychological, and legal ramifications of genetic social engineering when under new U.S. leadership, the citizens become valued based on individual genetic characteristics. The apparent suicidal death of her brother-in-law takes her deeper into this study. Along the way, she discovers the dark Weaver family history through a series of nightmares. Secrets kept hidden over two hundred years reveal ghastly murders, leading her to ponder her own genetic fate. Her fear becomes intense when she hears from her long-lost cousin, who willingly risks his own life to save the country from a power-hungry president and obedient bureaucrats. Could genes really lead one to do crimes and take lives?

Wrapped with an assemblage of unforgettable characters that play along unpredictable twists and erratic turns, Gene Defense: A Fictional Genetic Thriller dares to ponder on numerous complex questions in a mission of self-examination. It is a stirring book that delivers thrill with every turn of the page.

Get your autographed copy by advancing to the Products page and place your order

Check the CALENDAR for upcoming News, Events and Book Signings...Check out my BLOG on that same page!

Thanks for your interest!

No doubt, this book will enthrall and make you think.

Copyright Protected, 2019. No parts of this site may be reproduced by any means without written permission from the author.

"Gene Defense" A Genetic Thriller
GENE DEFENSE EBook version is available for $9.99!

Don't miss it! Dounload GENE DEFENSE to your favorite E-Reader, now!

GENE DEFENSE IS AVAILABLE ON AMAZON, Barnes & Noble, Indie and your local bookstores!....or you could just buy it NOW on this site. Go to Products, select Softback or Hardback and select your payment method. Thanks so much for your support!

Check out these pics....

New England Crime Bake 2015
Dedham, MA Hilton
Key Note Author:
Kate George


Dedham, MA Hilton

The annual gathering of authors, writers, readers, agents, producers...great fun had by all!

Crime Bake's Guest of Honor this year:
CHARLAINE HARRIS, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of four mystery series, including the Sookie Stackhouse "Southern Vampire" books that inspired the Golden Globe Award-winning and Emmy-nominated HBO series True Blood.

Also featured, spectacular local author: DENNIS LEHANE, author of nine novels, including: Moonlight Mile; The Given Day; Mystic River; Gone, Baby, Gone; and Shutter Island.

This was one of the most brilliant years for New England Crime Bake.
